My favorite poem so far. Sorry I have been absent but there are always battles to fight, inside and out. It's also been a hard time politically for me and my friends. I live in a liberal state in the US but even I am questioning my community's values. Being vulgar, impulsive, violent and greedy seem to be in vogue. I hope I live long enough to see the pendulum swing back to education, trust and community. Happy Holidays!
My favorite poem so far. Sorry I have been absent but there are always battles to fight, inside and out. It's also been a hard time politically for me and my friends. I live in a liberal state in the US but even I am questioning my community's values. Being vulgar, impulsive, violent and greedy seem to be in vogue. I hope I live long enough to see the pendulum swing back to education, trust and community. Happy Holidays!
Woohhoooo! Love that this is your favorite poem so far :)
And hey, remember that saying - good times or bad, this too shall pass.
Curiosity is the first step towards invention.
Great thought! 🤗
Enjoy the wedding and swap ideas with the kids! Children's imagination are not limited. Unfortunately most adults have permitted time to limit theirs.
Thanks Barbara! I'm maxing out on the fun 🎉