Goals are always tricky! I either have none, or too many. I am either flailing in the dark, or too daunted to plan! I'm saving this post for future reference - it's absolutely terrific. Thanks, Punit!

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I'm so grateful to have such an impression on someone sitting and reading my words from thousands of miles away! 🤗

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May 29Liked by Punit Thakkar

Very nice & true

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I liked what you wrote today....read it over a couple times. I don''t plan! I go with the flow...and somehow get all the things that need to be done...accomplished. It took 61 years, before my first book was published; although I had written manuscripts that weren't published. I believe when the time is right, everything will come together. Its in greater hands than mine.

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Thank you for such deep thoughts Barbara, your experiences and clarity of thought are always an inspiration!

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Watched Eddie the Eagle jump here in Thunder Bay -- we used to be on the world circuit for ski jumping. But after the '88 Olympics in Calgary, things started to change as the national team moved there to train instead. Ski jumping as a sport declined in the 90s as well, and Big Thunder closed down, sadly. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Thunder Bay had the most international-level ski jumpers per capita at one point! Later, it would be the most NHL (National Hockey League) players per capita.

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Whoa! You saw him live!! That's incredible. Thunder Bay sounds like it has the fittest people in the world 😀

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Not quite sure about that... but yeah, lots of outdoors activities here!

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May 21Liked by Punit Thakkar

This is one Poem which is apt, at the right place, at the right time.

Very well written Punit

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Woohoo! So glad to see you share your thoughts here Vinit. Thank you 🤗

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