One of my kids just graduated, so I've ben thinking about /his/ future quite a bit. Like most parents, I'm excited to see where he goes in life. In my case, I'm closer to retirement than anything, and have been thinking about what that looks like. I know what I'd be retiring from, but wonder what I'll be retiring to.

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Thank you Kevin for sharing such a candid expression of how your future makes you feel.

Here's a mini poem for you:


As time pulls me forward

to lands unknown.

As I see the fruits

of the seeds I had sown.

I smile as I think of

the days I will see.

I smile as I think of

the man I will be.

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Great poem. I’m at a point in my life when my future is staring at me every day, tempting me. I’m still developing, and work will force me to move to another city next year, and afterwards I’ll get more independence as a legal professional. I know it will happen, which makes the present feel even more temporary than usual. Exciting, but a little scary too, just like the future should be!

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Andrei! Moving to different cities is usually painful but I'm sure that a kind and friendly soul like you will feel home over there in no time!

Here's a mini poem for you:


A lovely new future,

a time full of change,

will it be amazing?

Or will it be strange?

It's scary, exciting,

it's full of potential.

And one thing's for sure,

that it will be special!

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Brilliant, Punit - I really enjoyed this! As for my own future, I think it excites and terrifies me in equal measure. Or perhaps the scales are landing slightly heavier on the 'terrified' side....! 🤔

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Oh! What's making you feel terrified Rebecca? I've always imagined a kind soul like you effortlessly surfing the waves of time.

Here's a mini poem for you:


The life that awaits me

is full of surprises.

It's full of new journeys,

it's full of new prizes.

It scares me a little

to think what will come.

But I am so ready,

to be, to become!

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Oh this is gorgeous, Punit - thank you! Well, you've made me feel MUCH better already!!! 🙌

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Punit Thakkar

So, I feel a sorely curious about my future :)

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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Punit Thakkar

This poem is right in the feels man. Would be going into an existential spiral now..but what a beautiful set of words to put relatable emotions on paper. Thanks a lot for sharing!

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Sanchit. You are a connoisseur of poetry, so receiving such high praise from you hits differently. Thank you, my friend.

Here's a mini poem for you:


When I read something real,

that comes right from the heart.

When I read something real,

something resembling art.

I feel a quiver in my soul

a tingle in my mind.

And then I start my quest anew,

there's art I'm yet to find!

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Thank you so much for the shoutout!! Loved todays edition. Your future is bright! 😎

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Ariana you're the best. I absolutely love your writing and I must share it with the world!

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Punit Thakkar

I enjoyed the poem

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Thank you 🤗

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