Punit!!!! Brilliant. This is indeed what we should do: embrace the tech. And I love this experiment you've done here. I personally prefer your poem, but am very impressed indeed with the AI. I had experimenting with fxhash on my list. I think generative art is a new form. Maybe not so much a form, but AI is a tool. A tool we should learn how to use. Some will be better at using it, as others. I like playing with NightCafe. But I also see others getting results I would have a hard time getting to myself. There's a lot to learn and experiment with. And it will enrich art, because it enriches the toolsets artists have at their disposal.

Thank you for this great experiment.

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An alien intelligence

made by my kind.

Will it replace me?

will I be left behind?

As time goes by

this is what I find.

When I learn to work with it

I supercharge my own mind.

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