Decisions, decisions...are not always easy or clear, for sure. Having never earned a whole lot, the financial aspect certainly comes in to play. Even when I was young I remember thinking, "do I wish to labor x amount of hours for this purchase?" Lol. Lastly I often discuss big decisions with friends and family I love and respect. I remember once laboring over the idea of buying my son an all terrain vehicle for his birthday. Why, because he wanted it so much and we live on 25 acres in the woods. I remember speaking to my close friend of 40 years and when I was done talking she said, "making this purchase is so not you and what you stand for." She was right, I hate noise, I hate pollutions, and I hated my son having something outside of normal as he played with 4 other neighborhood kids daily. How would one vehicle affect the dynamics with the other 4 kids? I'm so glad she said those words to me, to remind me of what I value. Ive never regretted going with my gut.

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