I shuffled through my phone’s gallery yesterday, and revisited some memories from my Europe trip. 2 months have passed since that experience. And what a life changing experience it was!
One of my fondest memories from that trip was as follows:
The setting - Amsterdam’s famous Vondelpark.
The characters - my friends and I.
The time of day - a bright, sunny, 7.30 PM (which by the way, is a totally alien concept to an Indian guy - I’m used to the sun setting by then.)
We hung out on the grassy lawn, marveling at the beauty of the world around us.
The people out to play. The dogs running after their frisbees. The birds singing to their heart’s content.
When suddenly, lo and behold, a beautiful golden haired dog just came and sat down next to us! Luckily, I had my camera running then, and managed to capture the moment 👇👇:
Oh man, he was the best! He sat with us quietly, vibing to our music and conversations for quite some time! It ended up being one of the most memorable instances in a trip full of memories. There’s a huge smile on my face as I write this. 😀
Thus, no surprises, today’s poem is dedicated to this lovely dog, who graced me with his presence and gave me an amazing story to tell the world.
Alright, poem starts in 3… 2… 1!
He dreamt of a park full of bushes and trees! A beautiful place full of squirrels and bees! He dreamt that his life was so pleasant, so good! He dreamt he was eating some fabulous food! He dreamt of a time when he ran really quick! He dreamt then of finding some treasures to dig! He dreamt and he dreamt of the happiest times! And slowly, and softly, he opened his eyes. His best friend was there, she was waving a toy. She petted his head, and said, "Who's a good boy?!" 🐶🐶
That’s it! This poem is dedicated to all the good boys in the world. If you have a doggy story in your back pocket, please don’t hesitate to share it in the comments.
Check out Some fun stuff below.
Some fun stuff:
This is a place where I share something cool to read, something cool to listen to, and something cool to watch! The underlined words are links that you can click to visit the recommended content.
1. Check out this really cool monitor: Samsung just released a 55 inch curved gaming monitor. It costs a ridiculous $3500. It justifies that price by including bleeding edge specs and some incredible athletic abilities into this piece of hardware. I love it, and now want to save up for a good monitor!
2. Listen to 4/17/1975 by Rob Viktum: A chilled out track that just fosters a good vibe. It’s built on a clip of music that’s widely used by many producers in their tracks, but this one is definitely my favorite version. Check it out!
3. Watch Unphotogenic Moon by Mike Pencil: This is a ridiculous and funny video about something that all of us have experienced at least once. I LOVE this guy’s sense of humor. If you click on only one link in today’s edition, let it be this one, and then let me know in the comments below if this made you chuckle, guffaw, or LOL.
That’s it for this week. See you next Tuesday.
Where I live, the last light lasts until 11:30pm or so around the soltice -- even though we are roughly the same latitude as Amsterdam. Has more to do with how far west we are in the time zone. I love the long summer evenings!
Glad you got some great memories to hang onto from your trip!
Awesome poem. Loved it. It radiates kindness, friendship and is well written. Great job!
We have a dog, too. Had it been him you had met in the park, you would have been throwing his ball for him. He loves to go up to strangers to include them in his playing. He's very inclusive. As long as you play along.
The moon video made me smile and I liked the tune.